Top mistakes to avoid while attending an interview

Top mistakes to avoid while attending an interview:

1. Incorrect attire
Dress more conservatively than you would usually dress on an average day. You do not want to show up to the interview in a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. In order to make the best impression on your interviewers and leave a lasting impression on them you should follow these guidelines:
  • Brushing teeth and arriving with fresh breath/ good hygiene
  • Neatly arranged hairstyle
  • Clean and conventional dress shoes
  • Small amount/not gaudy jewelry
  • Cleaned and neat fingernails
  • Appropriate amount of cologne or perfume
  • Do not have gum, candy, or other matter in your mouth
  • No obvious and inappropriate body piercings other than single ear piercings for women
  • No visible tattoos Specific items for women include:
  • Tailored skirt or pant suit in matching neutral colors. Length of skirt should be no shorter than the knee. Underneath suit jacket should be a tailored blouse showing no cleavage.
  • Matching accessories
  • No clubbing wear
  • No outrageous makeup
  • No torn tights or nylons Specific items for men include:
  • Matching pant suit in neutral colors. That said, no crazy or wild patterns or colors
  • Wear a quality silk tie that compliments your suit.
  • Shirt should be long sleeved ALWAYS, in white, light blue, or conservative striped pattern.
  • Facial hair neatly trimmed
  • Recommended no jewelry what so ever
  • Shoes and belt must match. Find MUCH MORE right here ! 

2. Unprepared answers
The most common interview questions are very well known, so make sure you have the answers well prepared. Going into an interview unprepared can be a death wish! Make sure you have accurately prepared and unrehearsed can cause you to lose that great job opportunity. Here is an example of how to be prepared with an impressive answer:
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your goals?”
What not to do- Never imply anything along the lines of ending your employment with the company you are interviewing with or moving on to bigger and better things in the near future.
How to answer- If asked where you see yourself in a certain number of years, tell the interviewer that you have a long-term commitment to the job in which you are applying and that you will grow as the position does.
To find even more in depth information click here !

3. Unprepared questions
As important as it is to have answers to questions prepared, it is equally important to have questions prepared to ask your interviewer because it will make you look more professional and well prepared. Some interview questions you can have in mind to ask are:
  • Is there anything about the company you like to see improved?
  • When do you expect to make your hiring decision?
  • When do you think I can expect to hear back from you?
Having these questions in mind can give you the edge against all other interviewees the company will see.

 4. Forgetting to do your research
One of the worst things you can do is go into an interview knowing absolutely nothing about the company you are applying with. Prior to the interview, it is vital to know and learn as much as you can possibly lean about the company. Some research you should do includes:
  • Preliminary company information
  • If the company you are applying with has a parent corporation
  • What the position you are applying for entails
Get the inside information to impress your interviewer with all of the knowledge you will know during your interview!

5. Ringing of cell phones
Probably the worst mistake you can make in an interview and the by far EASIEST one to avoid is having your cell phone ring during your interview! Having your cell phone go off during your interview is a slap in the face to your potential employer, showing them that you care more about your personal calls than their company. If your phone rings during the interview you can pretty much kiss your job good-bye, here are some solution ideas to avoid this incident:
  • Turn off your cell phone
  • Silence your phone as soon as you pull into the parking lot of your interview
  • Set an alarm so you remember to turn off/silence your phone
By just following these simple and common sense guidelines to avoid your phone going off can save you tons of embarrassment and better yet your job!

6. Checking the time
Yes, the exact time of the day may be important to you so you can make your next task of the day on time, but to your interviewer it looks like they are wasting your time. If you check the time frequently during your interview, you will be sending a very negative vibe toward your employer and they will not hire you and waste your time.
Avoid this misunderstanding by (1) planning enough time in your day to allow more than enough time for your interview, (2) if you plan anything else during that day be sure whoever is involved in your plans knows you have an important interview to attend, and (3) don’t wear a watch to avoid any temptation to look at the time!
Let your interviewers know exactly how important this job is to you by showing them complete and utter respect during your interview and provide them with your undivided attention toward! Learn how to provide even more respect toward your interviewer by clicking here !

7. Telling about other job offers
Getting offered a job or even multiple jobs is very exciting, but what do you do if you have another interview coming up? Well, you do NOT tell that company about your previous offers! You do not want that company to feel like you are disposable. For example, if you express that other companies have offered you a position versus a person who is desperately looking for a job and that company is their only hope, they will choose the other person who really needs the job.
Be smart, do not give the company an easy reason to dismiss you early and possibly lose your chances at a better job, higher pay, and a more successful life where you can advance in the position! Keep those other job opportunities you have received to yourself!
To discover the secrets to learning how to watch what you say during an interview click here !

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